Si tenés dudas sobre la fidelidad de tu mujer o temes que a tu pequeña hija se la esté tiroteando algún rollinga, "Forget-me-not" tiene la solución ...
Forget-me-not panties™ son unas bombachas a las que se les ha integrado un sistema GPS, que envía a un receptor, datos sobre la ubicación de la persona, sus pulsaciones cardíacas y hasta la temperatura de su cuerpo!
Hay varios modelos para elegir y a sólo $99.99 ! (por favor lean los Testimonios de la gente que ya compró sus Forget-me-not panties™ !!!!)
Link: basta de cuernos
5 comentarios:
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This might be a bit off-topic but I believe there are a lot of smokers here on I have recently decided to find a good vendor of electronic cigarettes. I'm done with paying so much for tobacco smokes.A friend recommended [url=]G Smoke[/url] According to their website this is how they described their product:
"Green Smoke offers supreme Electronic cigarettes with spendable cartridges that compose of the highest smoke volume in the industry. With a collection of flavors and nicotine levels, Green Smoke's™ patented technology offers convenience and exhibit performance that is unmatched. G Smoke products have been independently tested for safety."
I'm thinking of buying them. Anyone else have experience with this e-cigarette?
I have developed a new clean web 2.0 wordpress theme.
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You can view live demo and download from here
If you found bug reports or you have suggestions pm me.
Wish you a happing using.
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Hello there all, I just registered on this splendid community forum and wanted to say gday! Have a incredible day!
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